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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
In this essay I am going to explain the steps it takes to make steel, why Nicolas Appert's method of preserving cooked food was so important for Napoleon's troops and what the effects of this technology in the modern society and how different kinds of steel can be used. How is steel made? First, the raw materials either iron ore or scrap iron, depending on the process are changed into molten steel. A blast furnace …

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…to 0.45 mm in thickness. Steel can be used for canning food, oil platforms, catalytic converters (a part of an exhaust system that reduces the harmful effects of pollutant gases), paper clips, mounts for electronic chips. It would be impossible to make a list of everything that uses steel, since steel is literally everywhere; from everyday objects to the most sophisticated instruments, steel is the basis for an infinite number of products developed by human industry.