Static Electricity

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Static Electricty Static electricity is electricity at rest, which is an accumulation of electric charge. This source of energy is the opposite of moving electric charge, known as electric current. It is part of the study of phenomena resulting from electric charge, called electrostatics. Electrostatics is actually one of the foundations of knowledge about electricity. Static electricity is clearly the oldest known form of electricity. The earliest understandings of static electricity date back to experimenting …

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…a positive electric charge is put on particles of dust, smoke, bacteria, or pollen in the air. Negatively charged collector plates attract the positively charged particles out of the air, leaving much cleaner air. Through understanding the characteristics of static electricity, we have learned how, if properly controlled, it can enhance our lives. Once we learn how to harness the incredible power of a single lightning bolt, our knowledge of static electricity will be complete.