State Comparison of Dallas, Texas and Shreveport, Louisiana

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
State Comparison of Dallas, Texas and Shreveport, Louisiana Dallas, Texas and Shreveport, Louisiana both, have several pros and cons that can help in deciding where to reside in. The most important topics in this decision regard the costs of living, the city's employment status, and its general features that the city may be known for, such as state attractions, reliable government, or its lack of resources. In the battle of costs for living, whether they …

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…not have high a job security in that area, than the cities attractions, government procedures, and rent charges will be of little concern. I currently live in the city of Dallas. Despite the lower employment rates and the higher costs of living, I would remain here, since this is where my family resides, and that's what is most important to me. Depending your own personal priorities will depend on which city is right for you.