Starfruit I want to know about starfruit? Area Country: Foods

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Starfruit is one of many names to the scientific named Averroha Carambola L. fruit. The most common names are Carambola and Starfruit. The origin of the Starfruit is Sir Lanka and Moluccas. Starfruit was cultivated in Southeast Asia and Malaysia. The name of the vary depending on it's location. Starfruit is grown in Malaysia, Thailand (Ma Fueng), Vietnam (Khe), and Loas (Fuang). Starfruit is grown on a tree in warm tropics. It is a four …

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…for it to mature depends on the cultivator, production practices and the weather. The main two types of cultivars are sweet and tart. Starfruit doesn't have many uses. It is used as a garnish for meat dishes. It is grilled and used in fruit salad. It is also used for desserts. Sometimes starfruit maybe processed into pickles, sauces, wine and jellies. Starfruit is low in calories. It is good source of iron and vitamin C.