"Stardust" & "Shrink Rap" By Robert B. Parker

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Essay Database > Literature
Since Adam and Eve first walked the face of earth, the nature of mankind and the behaviour of man within society have fascinated people. Shrink Rap and Stardust are works that examine human nature's violence as a result of money. Stardust suggests that money leads to trouble whereas Shrink Rap shows that money leads to violence and greed. Both books similarly show the causes of humanity's violent behaviour through their respective theme, characters, and setting. …

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…message to the reader. Over the years money has lead to a downfall in society. The more money a man possesses the more problems he will face. This is evident in the two books, which both have high classed protagonists facing obstacles and struggles. Stardust and Shrink Rap use their theme, characters, and setting to deliver this message to the readers. Fame and glory often overshadows the problems that are encountered by high classed people.