Stand By me Movie Review- This review tells the struggle of Friendship and How they all the friends struggle with some loss.

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Struggle of Friendship Rob Reiner writes Stand By me script who also wrote Princess Bride, which is also very exciting and great movie. It is based on Stephen King's novella (which is a thin book) "The Body" The artists purpose is to scare people and to give people a thrill but the book is more scary then the movie. The book was written at the start of Stephen King's career so it is not that …

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…building of character and self- esteem. So it is all good. Two good movies by one writer! All Great minds that think alike will like this movie. This movie will keep people from 10 to 90 years of age, entertained for the whole thing. No boring Parts! It shows a lot of emotion. Fear, Sad, Joy, Anger and more. Many others have said it before but this movie is an interesting portrayal of Children. By: A. Wilson