Stamp Act

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Essay Database > History
The Stamp Act of 1765 was a tax put on the British American colonies, sponsered by George Grenville and was the first direct tax placed on them. Parliament needed means to help fund expensive costs of keeping troops inside the colonies, so they imposed a tax on all of the colonies everyday printed materials, such as pamphlets and newspapers, and all legal and commercial documents, which all needed to have a certain special stamp placed on …

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…the dates of October 7th to the date of October 25th, and they created a petition to King George III, and several petitions to the Parliament and a declaration of their rights and how they were being ignored. Parliament ruled over it on Mar. 18, 1766 and they created the Declaratory Act which gave all power over America's colonies to Britian in any given case. The Stamp Act was considered unenforcable and they repealed it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**