Staff development is most important in organization

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Chapter 1Introduction Due to the tighten connection between economic survival and productivity in the last decade, to increase productivity has become a strategic goal for many firms (McManus, 1987). So nowadays, many organizations found that seeking qualifications, which are well beyond the immediate requirement of the job, can be advantageous as the organization will not have to spend as much on staff development in future. In the short term, I agreed that high qualification could be …

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…be avoided from danger during work. Continuous staff development in analyzing the rules may not be necessary. Chapter 4Conclusion To conclude, further to above discussion, it has been proven that to a large extend staff development is a vital part in an organization. Therefore, in the long term of an organization, well education is only a basic criteria for the staff selection in the recruitment process but staff development is much more important than education.