Srebrenica - July 13 to July 18 1995, one of the worst massacres in the late twentieth century

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According to Sabrina Ramet "From June 1991 to December 1994 between 200.000 and 400.000 people had died as a result of the war between Serbs and non Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina" (Balkan Babel, 269). During the same period of time, at least 2.7 million people have been reduced to refugees. Arguably, one of the worst massacres in the late twentieth century took place from July 13th to July 18th 1995 in Srebrenica. Within these five days, approximately 8000 defenseless civilians were executed …

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…citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and politicians from around the world come together to the small town of Srebrenica. They gather to remember the inhuman actions that took place against unarmed civilians and bow their heads with regret and sorrow for allowing this to happen. Works Cited: Jan, Willem, Honig, and Norbert Both. Srebrenica Record of a War Crime . Toronto: Penguin Books, 1996 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Srebrenica massacre.