Spread of Islam in the 7th CE to12th CE

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
The main topic of this essay is The origins and development of Islam as a religion and culture. This essay will show what factors helped Islam spread rapidly through out the Arabian Peninsula and beyond. Islam had begun to spread rapidly among the Arabs by the time of Muhammad's death in 632 CE. This growth helped stimulate Arabs to the surge of conquest, and armies quickly spread through the Middle East, including Persia, though the Byzantine …

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…representations of people and animals. Other areas, however, accepted the religion but not some of the specifics concerning art or family life. The cultural and political achievements of Islam drew people eager to advance their societies in a verity of ways, including religious ones. The main factors that contributed in spreading Islam in seventh to the twelfth were: the conquests by Muslim forces, missionary work, trading, and also the Sufi movement of the time period.