Sports & Eating Disorders

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
In sports today there is a pursuit of excellence that is highly valued in athletics and, although participating in sports is usually a self-esteem booster for girls, being involved in some weight-conscious sports might put teenage girls at risk for eating disorders. But new research shows there are some warning signs that parents and coaches can look out for. An estimated 1,000,000 teenagers are affected in some way by an eating disorder and almost 90 percent of …

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…about my day because I know my body is "happy!" As dumb as that sounds I can fall asleep better at night after a stressful day if I work out even if it's only for 20 minutes to a half an hour. References: 1.Carey, R. (November 1997). Eating Disorders Among Active Athletes. Athletic Therapy Today, Unknown, 26 and 27. 2.Thompson, R. (July-August 2000). 'Good' Athletes or At-Risk Athletes? Healthy Weight Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 4. Retrieved February 21, 2003, from