"Sports Field" by Judith Wright: "Explore the distinctive qualities of the poem, explain how the poem reflects Wright's concerns and explain her literary styles and values implied"

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Judith Wright once said in an interview, "I write poetry because it's one way to understand life". Being able to understand life and how it works seems to be Wright's intention in the poem Sports Field, a poem that she was inspired to write after going to a school sports day. The entire poem is a metaphor for a deeper understanding of children, in the ball games and races they participate in, representing their individual …

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…to take action for, and this is due to man's natural ambition and sinful nature. She has mainly used the devices of symbolism and metaphor to give us a deeper understanding of the poem and to explain her perspective and standing on the topic of 'competition' and 'life'. I really enjoyed this poem because it made me think about my priorities in life, and the purpose that God has for me in this temporary world.