Spirituality in Hip Hop

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Pages: 12
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Spirituality in Hip-Hop Many people view hip-hop from only a commercial standpoint. This would force them to believe that since mainstream rap is riddled with references to violence, sex, and money, that there is a lack of reverence or acknowledgement for God. This problem is remedied, however, if one looks deeper into the sources of hip-hop. Mainstream music is the sub-genre of rap in which the consumers most readily purchase. For rap, the ideas that …

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…them goddam books off the shelf and wipe them goddam books off the shelf <<sampled from a movie>> When someone goes into that chapel and they fall on their knees grieving and praying too.....Go ahead and read your bible.....You go in your church....With any luck u might win the annual raffle but if your looking for God......You're asking if I have a God complex?....Lemme tell u something, I am God.