Speech on different pathogens and the diseases they cause.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Hello Everyone. I'm here to talk about the difference between prions, viruses, bacteria, protozoans, fungi and macro-parasites. These are all pathogens that cause diseases. I will also be giving examples of the diseases that these pathogens cause. Prions are infectious agents which do not have a nucleic acid genome. Prion diseases are often called spongiform encephalopathies (mad cows disease) because of the post mortem appearance of the brain with large vacuoles in the cortex and …

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…they cause are: Ring worm Tinea & Thrush The 1st picture is of fungi growing on things. The 2nd pictures are of fungi under the microscope. Marco-parasites are organisms that can be seen by the naked eye. Organisms are any form of animal of plant life. Examples of diseases they cause are: Fleas Liver fluke & Many plant parasites eg. aphids The 1st picture is of a flea, while the 2nd is of liver fluke.