Speech: Journey representations through texts and visual image

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Essay Database > Literature
From the area of study on journeys, several texts evidently provide and present ideas, concepts and themes on journeys. A journey can be considered a physical movement from one place to another, but there are much deeper meanings conveyed in a journey. This can be seen in two of the Peter Skrzynecki's poems in the core text 'Immigrant Chronicles'. The poems 'Crossing the Red Sea' and 'Feliks Skzrynecki' significantly convey the meaning of journeys. The …

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…and difficult and the sense of difficult journeys is similar to all three other sources. The theme of the physical journey providing an inner or imaginative experience is also evident in the photo, through the landscape and scenery, which seems surreal and dreamlike. Overall the sources discussed all hold important and valuable ideas and concepts on journeys, and they show us that journey is not just physical travel but also an emotional and inner experience.