Special Weapons and Tactics

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Outline I. Introduction II. History of SWAT A. The Conception of SWAT Teams 1. The Founder of SWAT 2. SWAT B. The SWAT Mission 1. Original Mission 2. Mission Revised III. SWAT Team Training A. Requirements and Training B. Military Training IV. The SWAT Team Arsenal A. Weapons 1. Military Equipment 2. Tactical Gear B. Military Funding V. The Controversy Over SWAT A. The Critics of SWAT B. The Advocates of SWAT IV. Conclusion As day gives way to the enveloping …

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…SWAT teams do have a purpose in American policing but it is questionable on whether or not their mission is clear. Many claim that SWAT teams are being used far to often and they need to get back to their original purpose, hostage and barricade situations. Today's criminal element is more aggressive than it has ever been; maybe it's not such a bad idea for our police departments to react with an equally aggressive nature.