Speak Up! An Analysis for "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson

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Essay Database > Literature
Laurie Halse Anderson's novel, Speak, portrays many diverse characters that show different personalities. Each character can support many different themes that are also presented in the novel. Both the characters and theme create an intense and emotional novel for anybody to read. The main character, Melinda Sordino, is shown to be isolated and disliked as she enters high school. She narrates that she ruined a party with her friends over the summer, so there is …

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…happen, but rather, he did anything that would please him. By analyzing the characters and the themes that they present, it is easy to tell that Speak provides many diverse units. Andy's mean ways and Melinda's ending courage all were used to make an effective and intense story. Both Andy and Melinda are two different people, but regardless of their differences, they share the same qualities as any teenager would have in the same situation.