"Spanish American War Versus Operation Iraqi Freedom" This essay compares and contrasts certain areas of both wars that are coincidently similar to each other.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
As we, the class of two thousand and four, and the rest of the world view the war in Iraq, many find it hard the resist the temptation to create their own conclusions on as to why this war got started, but many do not realize that this war has many similarities to an early war that was also short in length but who's effects lingered on even until today. The Spanish-American War was the …

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…milarities go between this war and the Spanish-American War, they are eerily uncanny in that they are very similar. Though I do not believe this war is useless, I do believe it could have been handled in a more efficient manner. In conclusion, it's not the events that make history, it's the purpose and results of the war the leave a lasting impact in the history we and the generations ahead of us will learn.