Spain's War Tactics During the Reconquista

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
"During life was reflected in its warfare's. Small, lightly equipped armies reflected how the society had to be cautious and capable of moving long distances in short times," said Peter, a knight. During the Reconquista, Spanish armies were mainly formed by two groups of soldiers. One was a cavalry, mainly nobles and commoner knights, and infantry, which were mainly peasants. Cavalries fought in a normal Spanish way. Knights approached the enemy and then threw javelins. …

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…mounted soldiers. Short single blades were used for foot soldiers. The spears and javelins were up to 1.5 meters long and had an iron tip. The double axe was designed for close combat. It was made of iron, and it was 30 cm long with a deadly sharp edge. Mercenaries were an important factor. Many kings didn't have enough soldiers and could afford them. This way of warfare remained in the Iberian Peninsula until the Reconquista ended.