Spain: Economic Analysis

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Pages: 24
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
1. Freedom from internal control Nowadays, and thank to the Constitution, Spanish government respects fully all rights of its citizens. Now Spain has no official religion. The constitution disestablished the Roman Catholic Church as the official state religion, although more than 90% of the population are at least nominally Catholic. Spaniards can move within and outside the physical boundaries of their country with no required permission from the government. Both men and women have, legally, the same …

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…ally applicable to Spanish CT payers, except in respect of transfers of profits made to head offices that are subject to the branch profits tax of 25%. All businesses are also subject to VAT (value added tax). VAT taxable operations include the supply of goods, the provision of services and imports. The rates are: 4% on a few goods and services considered necessities; 7% for certain intra-community purchases; and 16% for most goods and services.