Spain - A Business Approach

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Introduction The Kingdom of Spain, also simply known as Spain is located at the crossroads of European and African civilizations. Over the course of its entire history, Spain has enjoyed a truly rich and complex history, having been invaded, inhabited and dominated by both European as well as non-European civilizations. It was Spain's location at the narrow Gibraltar, which perhaps provided for the nation's interaction with a number of pre-classical and classical civilizations. A brief …

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…a democratic government and an equally loving monarchy under King Juan Carlos. Perhaps one of the most striking aspects is Spain's tremendous economic growth, duly making the average Spaniard approximately 75 percent richer as compared to some 3 decades earlier. This is in addition to the national economic growth, which has continued its growth pattern for the last more than a decade, and has not seen any rival even when one take into account the European average.