South Vietnam's failure to withstand communism.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
There were many reasons why the USA agreed on a ceasefire with North Vietnam on 28 January 1973 after around a decade of its interference in the Vietnam War. By agreeing a ceasefire, the USA failed to obtain its original objective for entering the War--save South Vietnam from communism, and to prevent the first domino from falling. The causes can be divided into different categories, militarily, economically and socially. In addition, the political factors had certain contribution …

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…troops should do. These military, economic, social, and political factors were the reasons why the USA failed to save South Vietnam from falling into communism. When the US left the country, it left the South Vietnam in the worst state ever and it did not achieved its original objective. People still questioned the reasons why the US army went into South Vietnam at the first place. This decision determined the worst failure of the US.