Souring Relations

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Essay Database > History
In the years between 1754 and 1774 the relationship between the American colonies and Great Britain soured tremendously. These tensions were caused by an onslaught of events that kept separating the colonies from Britain. Some of these events were the Stamp Act, the Quartering act of1765, the Currency Act of 1764, and the rejection of the Albany plan. Extensive documentation related to the events and American propaganda against Britain expose how Britain's extensive abuse of the colonies led …

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…relations is what would eventually lead to the American Revolution. The greed of the British, meaning them only wanting to take from the Americans is what caused the separation. Britain only used America as a money base, not for anything else. As time passed, and more laws using America as a source of money Americans became angered. The American Revolution, as most colonial revolutions, was caused by the greed and intransigence Britain towards the colonies.