Sony Vietnam: Building Quality, Building Confidence.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Sony Vietnam: Building Quality, Building Confidence Integrative Management Case Studies 1 I.INTRODUCTION I.1.TERMS OF REFERENCE As a member of an advisory group (team members are Boros Annamaria, Csecserits Bea, Dinnyes istvan, Ferenczne Bozoki Marta, Kacser Viola, Major Laszlo (Dr.), Mittweg Gabor, Nagy Csaba, Szabone Durucz Judit (Dr.), Varga Endre, Varga Janos, Zrubka Zsombor) (hereafter: ?Group?) I was asked to prepare an analysis ? in cooperation with other members of the Group ? on various aspects of …

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…and changing dealers to retailers Finding new retailers. Advantages: No additional cost; Lower risk; Getting closer to the customer than in case of dealers ?market flexibility; Faster way of sales and service development Disadvantages: Additional costs V.6.3.3.Retail franchising Using the existing sales and service branches as a model, Sovinam could franchise retail business. Advantages: No additional cost; Lower risk; Additional revenues ? royalty; Getting closer to the customer than in case of dealers - m