"Sonny's Blues," by James Baldwin.

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Essay Database > Literature
Sonny's Blues The short story "Sonny's Blues," by James Baldwin, tells the story of two brothers who come to understand each other. More specifically, it shows, through its two main characters, Sonny and his older brother, the two sides of African-American's experience with much of racism. The narrator, Sonny's brother, has tried to assimilate to the white society, but still feel the pain and the limits on his opportunity. On the other hand, Sonny has …

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…true to what and who they are. "Sonny's Blues" tells us that it is a good idea to follow your decision, or judgement on your future life. Prejudice is wrong. However, there is a different between prejudice and the elder's advises. Those are valuable experiences that the elders have learned, or even paid from their lives. Listening to those advises can give people have a better choice for their career, or a way to live.