Somebody's Baby Essays from Now or Never - By Barbara Kingsolver

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This Essay is from her book of essays "High Tide in Tucson" in which Barbara Kingsolver shares her beliefs and her commitments - specifically, in family, community, the common good, cultural diversity, the world of children, and child rearing, which she lets in or rushes out to embrace all the wonders, beauties, threats, and angers that life and earth can offer. It also touches on many aspects and nuances that make life worth living; she …

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…human and believable. (I.e. her feelings and thoughts about alternative families, feminism, sustainability and the environment) about; her 2-year-old daughter's acts of defiance, and occasionally frustration at the state of the world in which we live she does so with passion. The essay gives a warm tribute to our animal nature and its ability to tune itself into the natural rhythms of life, despite ourselves and our absorption in a world full of wants.