Some good reason to Hitler's good side.

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Essay Database > History > European History
The end of World War I created many great opportunities for some of the greater countries in the world. For these countries to aspire into greatness they needed great leaders that had great qualities. So who would be a great leader to bring a country back into greatness? A humiliating defeat in World War I allowed Hitler's aggressive and egotistic nature to be necessary for Germany. The new state of mind Hitler offered was what …

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…they needed from Hitler and then some. Picking the German pride up off the floor and restoring it back to where it belonged. Hitler's mind-set was what Germany needed to come back from a humiliating a defeat in World War I. The German public forgot, though, that with great power there come great responsibility. The man that had only mentally developed to the age of sixteen had risen a power, and deposed it over again.