Somalia, America gets a wakeup

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Essay Database > History
It was early on Sunday morning, Oct 3, 1993. Most Americans were relaxing in the comfort of our homes enjoying the weekend and preparing for religious services later that morning. Half way around the world though some Americans were not relaxing. All hell was breaking loose in the streets of Mogadishu, Somalia, as U.S. Military forces were engaged in one of the most intensive and costly firefights since the Vietnam War. By the end of the …

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…within weeks of the incident withdrew all U.S. Forces. The U.S. mission had started as a peacekeeping mission and ended in a war story. U.S. policy would never be the same again. On the Sunday evening news, Americans fresh from a weekend of relaxation, watched in horror as dead U.S. soldiers were dragged through the streets of Mogadishu. HAROLD JOHNSON ENG 121 References: Newsday, Dec 5 1993 Newsday, Inc Mark Bowden Philidelphia Inquirer November 16, 1997