Solutions in School Murder

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Chabert 1 Guy Chabert Mr. Adkison English 102 12 April 2000 Solution in School Murder It is 7:30 on a normal Tuesday morning at Westside Elementary School. The buses have begun to pull into the child unloading dock and have unloaded the students. As the buses pull off, the students began to head toward their classroom to wait for the day to begin. As the day progresses, the students ready themselves for lunch break. As the teacher's aid opens the …

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…a root of crime." Montgomery Advertiser 26 Sept. 1997 5) Robinson, Jennifer. "Teachers say not enough being done." Dothan Eagle 25 Feb. 1996: 6A. 6) Shelton, Stacy. "Expelling school violence." Atlanta Journal Constitution 19 Oct. 1997: H1. 7) "School-association violent death." Birmingham News 11 June 1996. 8) The Safe and Drug-Free Schools Initiative 9) Galbraith, Kristy. "Parents want answers to school safety questions." Dothan Eagle 17 Feb. 1997: 1A. 10) Williams, Mike. "Violence goes to high school." Atlanta Constitution 7 Dec. 1997: G1.