Solution to Nuclear Weapons

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction which, if used, would kill indiscriminately. Nevertheless, those who posses nuclear weapons state claim that nuclear weapons are able to deter nuclear or conventional attack by threatening disastrous retaliation. This policy is called nuclear deterrence. To base a country's national security on the threat to murder millions of innocents is an ethical issue of global proportion. Nuclear deterrence is the threat to retaliate with nuclear weapons. In general, …

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…the elimination of nuclear weapons is the only answer to the threat of mass destruction throughout the world. It has been argued that the sole purpose of the presence of nuclear weapons is to prevent a nuclear war. This being said, it can be concluded that a nuclear war can never occur if there are no nuclear weapons available. Clearly, the only sufficient way to prevent a nuclear war is to eliminate all nuclear weapons.