Soldiers heart.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Soldiers Heart By: Gary Paulsen 102 pages Introduction In 1860s when the Civil War began, Charley Goddard joinedthe First Minnesota Volunteers. He was 15 years old lying about his age and fought through practically the whole war. He didn't really know what a "shooting war" meant, or what he was fighting for. But he knew he didn't want to miss out on a great adventure. The "shooting war" meant the horror, and that you were lucky if …

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…This is partly fiction. Charley Goddard is a real person. Charley did not fight in the Bull Run, although that was the only battle he wasn't there for. If you are looking for a good book about the Civil War, I really recommend Soldier's Heart by Gary Paulsen. He described the setting so in-depth you felt that you were there. He gave interesting facts about the Civil War that made me want to learn more.