Soldier's Heart by Gary Paulsen

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The story of soldiers heart was written by Gary Paulsen, takes place during the American civil war. In this story the battles were fought in the original places of the war. This story is about a solider named Charley Goddard that lied about his age to enter to the Union Army. He struggles and suffered severe mind and physical problems during the war. Charley Goddard signed up in the first Minnesota Volunteers; he was 15 year …

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…battles Charley didn't die, because he always thought that it was his last battle and that kept him alive. When Charley Goddard entered the Union Minnesota army, he was a 15 year old teen and when he finished serving the army he was a 19 year old man. I believe that war destroys lives and Charley was lucky to survive the battles but he anyways he died because of his wounds. After all, the war killed him.