Socila Security Advantages and Disadvantages

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > English
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Social Security Program? For over 60 years, the Social Security program has been one the most successful domestic government programs, providing economic protection for US citizens of all ages. The Social Security is more like a set of programs, designed to provide income and services to individuals in the event of retirement, sickness, disability, death, or unemployment. Such programs were originally enacted in 1935. As Americans we know that …

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…protected and more than 44 million people receive retirement, survivors and disability benefits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Tomkiel, Stanley A. Social Security Benefits Handbook. Florida: Sphinx, 1996. Robertson, A. Haeworth. THE BIG LIE: What Every Baby Boomer Should Know About Social Security and Medicare. Pennsylvania: Oakland, 1997. Landis Andy. Social Security: The Inside Story. California: Crisp, 1997. Social Security Online. 3 December 2000. Social Security Online. 5 December 2000. Social Security Network. 25 November 2000. Social Security Networks. 5 December 2000.