Society Creating the monster in Merry Shelley's Frankestein

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
SOCIETY CREATING THE MONSTER IN MARRY SHELLEY'S FRANKESTEIN Life Sucks through Frankestein point of view, Mary Shelly shows the values of companionship, fear, trust, and happiness. All of these values the creation wants of portrays, but due to society, he is unable to achieve them. The creation tries to understand these values throughout his life but can't because of the injustice he receives from the humans. Marry Shelly's point is that society and the system …

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…at the beginning but than his pain for mistreatment and the lack of companionship made him angry. The creation could have fit in only if his creator was all the way on his side, so practically it was more Frankestein's fault than the whole society's fault. People like the rioters just needed somebody to explain this creature to them and assure them that nothing bad was going to happen to them because of this creature.