Socialist Progressivism,

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Upton Sinclair's book "The Jungle" describes working conditions in turn of the century meat packing plants. Sinclair used workers rights as a platform to help persuade the socialist progessivist movement in the early 20th century. This paper is a look at particular techniques Sinclair used and productive it was. Industry in general has long been a mostly unregulated enterprise since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Until recently, the government has not regulated industries like …

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…the socialist party. His goal was to empower the people and take control of business from the executive and put it in the hands of the people and in some respects he was successful. Sinclair succeeded in helping to create regulatory panels for big business and create better working conditions for people in all fields. "The Jungle" was a book that created some unsuspected changes that would continue to hold precedence to this very day.