Social work

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
It was the shrill ringing of my pager that jarred me out of the deep sleep I had been enjoying. The clock beside my bed read 3:30 as I fumbled around in the dark, reaching for the insistent pager. As I saw the code that flashed on its tiny screen, my heart sank. I thought of the sleet that had been falling as I had fallen asleep a few hours before, and of the warmth of …

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…and inconvenient, and the dedication required is sometimes overwhelming. But the rewards are extraordinary. My work with Avalon has convinced me that I have the passion to pursue a career as a social worker, working especially with the issues concerning sexual assault and domestic violence. After my graduation from college, I plan to go on to receive a Master's degree in Social Work, so as to build on the work I have done with Avalon.