Social factors contributed to the French Revolution of 1789

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Social factors contributed to the French Revolution of 1789 Although social tensions within France certainly contributed to the revolutionary situation in August 1789 it was not the only contributing factor. Divisions and inequality between, as well as within, the Three Estates created an atmosphere of disharmony while the influence of the enlightenment and liberal ideas fueled the growing discontent of the Estates toward the government and Louis XVI. However, political factors, like the undermining of the Kings …

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…audience, particularly with the pamphlet 'what is the Third Estate?' by Abbe Sieyes which was written simply and concisly enough for most educated poeple to understand. With revolutionary ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity from the enlightenment swirling throughout France by late 1789 change was inevitable. The inefficient tax system and corrupt government, the undermining of King Louis' power, exacerbated the tensions within and between the Three Estates, led to a revolutionary situation in France