Social context of fairy tales, using "Little Red Riding Hood" and the film "Ever After" as examples.

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SOCIAL CONTEXT OF FAIRY TALES - Fairy tales arise from specific social and cultural conditions and are thus shaped by them. - Fairy tales usually reinforce the dominant social ideas and attitudes of that specific time. - Hence, the ideas that are still socially acceptable remain in the fairy tale throughout the ages, and others are altered over time. - In other words, the changing nature of fairy tales has its roots in social and …

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…versus evil. - Not very magical - the effect of a modern adaptation. - Changes in the role of the main female character (Cinnderlla/Danielle) from one of pity and helplessness to one of strength and determination. - Danielle is rewarded with true love, not just riches and social status. - Subversion of gender values (eg. Danielle saves the Prince from the wrath of the gypsy thieves). - Transformation, but through self-determination however, not magive.