Social Security in the United States

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Social Security in the United States: An Economic History and Model for Re-organization Before writing an argument about an idea almost completed integrated into life as we know it, one that is so generally accepted that governments all over the world attempt to achieve it by carrying out a wide-range of systems supported by an even more heterogeneous set of institutions, it is useful to exercise the collegiate task of defining the words that form …

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…Transformation. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. Derthwick, M. (1987). Social Security After Fifty: Successes and Failures. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Midgley, J. and Sherraden, M. (1997). Alternatives to Social Security: An International Inquiry. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Company. Dixon, J. (1999). Social Security in Global Perspective. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. Parrott, A (1985). The Iron Road to Social Security. Sussex, England: Antony Rowe Ltd. Richardson, J. (1960). Economic and Financial Aspects of Social Security. Kettering, Great Britain: University of Toronto Press.