Social Reforms of 1960's

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
The decade of 1960's faces significance in the social history of the United States. Number of various raising national problems and the exhaustion of "never ending" Vietnam War formed a vast social chaos. Every social layer faced a certain hurdle of the time based on ethnic, racial and gender discrimination, lack of education and a miserable poverty. A number of civil reforms were presented to address these issues. Various different reforms of 1960's had impact …

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…the history of the country might have no bad consequences while others have to pass a long way to serve for good. Because the legacies of the 1960's touched very painful and nationally vast issues, it is natural that it would have its dark and light sides. When the time passes and the social judgment becomes more thoughtful, it must be assumed that every single step in the history is the beginning of something new.