Social Psychology and the perspectives of family.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
In this essay I intend to show that there have been significant Changes in the cultural understanding of a family unit. I intend to do this by showing that through changes in Divorce patterns, women's rights, religious beliefs in society we cannot say that the family is in crisis but rather that in this post-modern era the family has evolved to encompass all of today's values. Today a family is not simply 'a group of …

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…Robert T. Francoer and Linda L. Handrixson. ..................... Rethinking the Family, Some Feminist questions, Edited by Barrie Thorne with Marilyn Yalon. Copyright 1982 by Longman inc. ..................... Family in Transition fifth edition 1933 Arlene S. Skolnick and Jerome H. Skolnick ..................... The Family, A social History of the 20th century, Edited John Harriss, oxford University Press, Oxford New York. ..................... Sociology of the Family, Steven L. Nock, University of Virginia, copyright 1987. ...................... Contemporary Families and alternative Lifestyles, copyright 1983 Rubin Mackin, Sage Publications.