Social Policy class assignment: Write an Opinion Paper on the documentary SHELTER (about homelessness in the US)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The film Shelter included a variety of interviews with homeless individuals. There was, for example, Eddie, a schizophrenic who watched his mother being killed. He is unable to manage life. Eddie is one of many mentally ill homeless on the nations streets. Homelessness is a national social problem that is especially visible in larger cities, such as New York or Washington, DC. The problem of homelessness should be adequately acknowledged and treated. Unfortunately, many people …

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…or otherwise injured. With a large number of the homeless being mentally ill and/or substance abusers, detoxification programs, psychiatric care, and residential treatment programs need to be prepared to care for homeless individuals. Many services are not equipped to deal with homeless individuals or their intake procedures make it impossible for them to be seen. This can only be remedied by social policy changes, agency policy changes, and funding made available to these agencies.