Social Life in Australia

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Essay Database > History
On the 1st of January 1901 Australia began its Federation in all colonies, which joined the many colonies together into one nation. It was one of the biggest and most important and historical event that has occurred in Australia. Life back then was different a lot different than it is today, the buildings, transport, politics, and attitudes towards the aborigines. The living and working conditions from 1900 to 1914 depended on which social class you belong to. There …

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…as if federation would give everyone an equal opportunity. This was not the case for non-Europeans. The women believed that they should be able to make decisions that would affect them and their child's well being. Women were taxpayers like the men, as a citizen of Australia and they felt that it would fair if they voted in elections. The laws of the country were not only to be for men but for women also.