Social Groups and Institutions.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Race is defined as a cultural category composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important. Ethnicity is a shared cultural heritage based on having common ancestors, language, or religion that confers a distinctive social identity. (Macionis, 2005) It is my opinion that the reason that "White and Asian students define success tin school as earning high grades or African-American students define success as doing as well as other black …

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…schools and their achievement. I believe the teachers at these schools push the student along to achieve a better standard in life than what they expect regardless of race and ethnicity. References Cited: · Macionis, John S., Sociology (2005), 10th Edition from Pearson Prentice Hall published in Upper Saddle River, NJ. · Grace Kao, Ph.D, People at the University of Pennsylvania (2002) retrieved from,html