Social Geography of Atlanta

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The index numbers that describe Atlanta are unusual in many respects, and indicate that the city is made up of extremes. Even the most casual observer who knew nothing about Atlanta would notice theses extremes and conclude that the city must have a number of serious problems. In fact, Atlanta is plagued with problems of racism and inequality. One reason for these problems is that Atlanta "developed as an 'accidental city' with what can generously …

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…is based on race and class. Bibliography Bullard, R., G. Johnson and A. Torres (eds.) (2000). Sprawl City: Race, Politics, and Planning in Atlanta. (Washington, DC: Island Press). Keating, L. (2001). Atlanta: Race, Class, and Urban Expansion. (Philadelphia: Temple University Press). McDonald, J. (1997). Fundamentals of Urban Economics. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall). Newman, H. (1999). Southern Hospitality. (London: University of Alabama Press). Rutheiser, C. (1996). Imagineering Atlanta: The Politics of Place in the City of Dreams. (London: Verso).