Social Evolution

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Government, business, economics, the family, education, culture, health care, communications, environmental concerns, professional entertainment are among the social elements that determine the course of human society, the civilization in which we live. Each of these components of society is continuously evolving; and as knowledge accumulates these, changes occur at an accelerated rate. Meaning, there were more social changes in the 20th Century than there were in the 19th. This concept known as social evolution has …

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…is more likely that the person would be reprimanded. (Pearce, 1989, p. 61) These three theorists each define social evolution in their own way. Darwin's theory spoke of slow, gradual and progressive change, which discourages revolutionary thinking and suggests that all change is toward the best possible outcome. However society is now progressing and becoming more and more complex daily. This accelerated speed evokes questions about whether or not this evolution is always headed the right direction.