Social Darwinism in American History

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Essay Database > History
Social Darwinism in American History Toward the end of the 19th century, the United States entered a period of growth and industrialisation. An abundance of natural recourses, cheap labour supply, and a self-sufficient food supply contributed to the industrialisation of the United States. This time was known as the American Industrial Revolution. Due to the growing prosperity of the United States, the American people, in general, adopted a heavily opportunistic and an excessively materialistic view …

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…and labour, and to eliminate other social inequalities. Although Social Darwinism encouraged the economic growth of the United States at a time when this growth was needed and allowed people to create new inventions, it also resulted in the Great Depression. It led to excesses that needed to be corrected if the country was to progress over the long term and if the democratic ideals of individual freedom and equality were to be upheld. (2,180 words)