Social Darwinism: Past and Present

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Social Darwinism is the idea that society evolves from a primitive to complex civilization. This is because those that are fit to survive live and those who are not fit to survive die, leaving only the fit. Society has no responsibility to help the weak because to help them would allow them to survive, which would interfere with evolution and weaken society. This idea of Social Darwinism was created by Herbert Spencer, by applying the …

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…the people who worked with poor working conditions. Today, the government is changing their programs of Medicaid and Social Security which doesn't benefit the poor. Social Darwinism is not only a thing of the past. It still resides with us today, a century after the industrial revolution but hopefully, in the future, the government will detach themselves from the idea of Social Darwinism and become less selfish and think more towards helping the weak survive.