Social Change

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the article, "The Rhetorician as an Agent of Social Change", written by Ellen Cushman, I believe that the way I feel about ACCESS is shown. "A gift that is not returned can become a debt, a lasting obligation. Depending on the terms of the exchange, this obligation can either be in the form of a monetary debt, which imposes "overtly economic obligations by the usurer", or in the form of ethical debt, which produces "…

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…a person happy. The email I would send to my pen pal would make her day, when I thought that the email was short and didn't say anything. It made me realize that even though you may think that something you do isn't important, that it may be to someone else. So because of my tutoring at ACCESS I feel that I have a more positive outlook on life and am a more open-minded person.