So Many Members, So Little Action.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
There are, of course, 15 cabinet offices, which are known the world over as 'Departments'. I feel that the ranks of these offices are extremely important, and it seems that the Congress shared my feelings. So, in 1947 they passed a law entitled "Presidential Succession Act". This act spelled out who would take over the president's role if he were to die or become disqualified (i.e. Impeached). It goes a little something like this. The President, …

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…U.S. interests. CIA is short for the Central Intelligence Agency, which is responsible for gathering information and intelligence on all matters of national security and foreign affairs as well as counter attempts of other organizations or nations from gathering intelligence on the U.S. I hope that tidbit quenches your thirst for now, but just wait for the massive amount of information we divulge on the next edition of 'That Department Does WHAT?!!!'